Nikki Haley Bows Out as Trump Dominates Super Tuesday

Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley is expected to suspend her struggling campaign for the Republican presidential nomination on Wednesday. Her withdrawal comes after being overwhelmingly defeated by front-runner Donald Trump across most Super Tuesday states.

Haley, once a fierce Trump critic, managed to pull off a solitary win in Vermont but was trounced everywhere else as Republican voters resoundingly reaffirmed their support for the former president. Her campaign spokeswoman acknowledged the will of the people, stating “there remains a large block of Republican primary voters” behind Trump – the unity needed to defeat Joe Biden.

Despite entering the race with fanfare about providing a fresh conservative vision, Haley’s campaign never gained traction. Aside from the quirky Vermont victory and an earlier D.C. win, she consistently placed a distant third, losing her home state of South Carolina and failing to hit double-digits in crucialNew Hampshire after the rest of the anti-Trump field dropped out.

Even after the Koch network pulled funding following her fourth straight loss, Haley had vowed to press on. But Trump’s dominance on Super Tuesday, notching wins across the South and in major prizes like California and Minnesota, leaves no doubt about the Republican nominee.

While previously pledging to back the eventual nominee, Haley finds herself in an awkward spot having lobbed harsh criticism at Trump throughout her campaign. She decried his rematch with Biden as “suicide for our country” and accused him of only running to pay legal fees from his “legal peril.”

With her withdrawal likely imminent, all eyes turn to whether the proud holdout will swallow her pride and unify behind the clear people’s choice who is well-positioned to win in November. The conservative movement requires maximum unity to enact the America First agenda and fend off the radical socialist left.