Major conservative group unveils to target president’s economic policies

Americans for Prosperity Fights Back Against Bidenomics Disaster

The influential conservative grassroots group Americans for Prosperity (AFP), founded by the principled Koch brothers, is taking the lead in exposing President Biden’s catastrophic “Bidenomics” agenda that has caused economic ruin for hard-working American families.

AFP is launching a massive eight-figure campaign highlighting the truly harmful impact of Biden’s reckless big government policies on the nation’s struggling economy and beleaguered taxpayers. At the center is a new website,, that will serve as a vital resource exposing the truth about Biden’s chronic mismanagement and failed progressive ideology.

“President Biden will try to gaslight Americans about his Bidenomics debacle in the State of the Union, but hardworking citizens can’t be fooled by his desperate spin,” said AFP’s Akash Chougule. “The cold hard reality is that Biden’s socialism-style spending binge is why families are being crushed by scarily high prices on everything from gas to groceries.”

AFP is putting its full weight behind holding Biden and his allies in Congress accountable for the Bidenomics nightmare of soaring inflation, empty shelves, and financial pain for the middle class. Their robust counteroffensive against the leftist economic agenda will include advertising blitzes, grassroots events, digital campaigns, and boots on the ground engagement with voters nationwide.

While Biden will certainly try to blame anyone but himself for the mess he created, the American people know the truth. His signature spending blowouts like the mis-named “Inflation Reduction Act” have taken a wrecking ball to household budgets with no end in sight to the inflationary crisis his party enabled.

Even as the White House desperately touts cherry-picked economic statistics, families are suffering from Biden’s war on affordable energy, excessive government overreach, and insistence on an anti-business, tax-and-spend approach. Patriots must reject Biden’sancracy vision of putting big government in control before it’s too late.

AFP’s timely Bidenomics effort is vital to preserving economic freedom and prosperity. The fight is on to defeat the left’s ruinous Bidenomics scheme and save the American dream for future generations.