GOP hardliners furious at Johnson for passing another short-term spending bill with Dems: ‘Usual c–p’

House Republican conservatives are expressing frustration with Speaker Mike Johnson’s latest failure to take a hardline stand against Democrats’ runaway spending.

This week, Johnson allowed another “clean” short-term funding bill to pass, averting a government shutdown but extending previous Democrat budget priorities. Fiscal hawk Rep. Chip Roy slammed it as “the usual crap” from the “Swamp.”

The bipartisan bill marks the 4th straight temporary spending patch since October, keeping government open but failing to enforce any conservative policies on issues like border security. The Freedom Caucus and allies have pushed GOP leaders to leverage shutdown threats to force Dem concessions.

But Johnson bowed to pressure for a shutdown-free funding extension ahead of Biden’s State of the Union address. This enraged conservatives who argue temporary bills cement liberal spending levels and lack of border enforcement.

Freedom Caucus Chair Bob Good warned it just sets the stage for even worse final 2023 spending bills. Hardliners believe Republicans are squandering their power of the purse to rein in government.

Rep. Andy Biggs accused Congress of shirking its duty by not using shutdown leverage to stop Biden’s dangerous open border policies. He said founders gave control of spending precisely to confront executive overreach.

While the bill drew more Republican votes than January’s extension, conservatives say Johnson failed to make Democrats pay a price for reckless budgets and lack of border security. They vow to keep pushing GOP leaders for a more defiant stance against liberal fiscal policies.