
House Republican Pushes Harris To Invoke 25th Amendment On Biden

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) courageously demanded action this week to end Joe Biden’s dangerously inept presidency. Buck called on Vice President Kamala Harris to use the 25th Amendment to remove the cognitively impaired Biden from office before he can do any more damage.

As detailed in special counsel Robert Hur’s report, Biden clearly lacks the mental fitness required of the presidency. His frequent public lapses and confusion, unstable physical condition, and inability to remember basic facts all show he is unwell. Yet Biden still has sole authority to launch nuclear weapons – a terrifying prospect for an enfeebled 81-year-old.

Rep. Buck’s resolution states what all Americans know – Biden can no longer discharge his duties. The many troubling examples of his unsteady leadership should alarm Harris and the Cabinet into making this patriotic move. Invoking the 25th Amendment would put our country first by replacing Biden with someone of sound mind.

Harris has unconvincingly claimed Biden is “extraordinarily smart,” but she insults our intelligence. We’ve all witnessed his cringeworthy mental gaffes and unpresidential behavior. Even leftist polls show voters widely fear Biden lacks the acuity for a second term.

Kudos to Rep. Buck for bravely speaking truth to power. Biden is clearly unfit, and America needs Harris to step up, assume the acting presidency, and steer us away from the iceberg ahead. Our enemies are watching – we must show strength, not laughable frailty, in the Oval Office. Hats off to Buck for trying to make this happen.