Text Messages Link Gaetz to Sex Trafficking Investigation

When ABC News reported this week that the House Ethics Committee obtained text messages between a young woman involved in the sex trafficking investigation and Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), a Gaetz spokesperson claimed the congressman “does not know anything about the woman.”

However, sources say this seems highly unlikely. The woman told prosecutors last year that she had sex with Gaetz at a drug-fueled party she was paid to attend, her attorney confirmed.

The lawyer said she received payments for multiple sex parties with people in Gaetz’s circle and provided evidence to the Justice Department, including texts, photos and testimony about her experiences. Some of those messages match documents described in the ABC story.

Though the woman was over 21 at the time, her attorney said the heavy alcohol and drug use at the parties muddled memories. He stated the “availability of substances gave rise to the lack of control” that led to intimate encounters, some of which may have been transactional.

The woman appears in Venmo transactions between 2017 and 2018 that have been previously reported on. She received nearly $2500 across multiple payments from Gaetz’s friend Joel Greenberg with memo lines like “travel” and “stuff.”

The newly obtained texts show Gaetz propositioning her for a private group flight to the Florida Keys in May 2017 with two other men and four women. She initially agreed but ultimately declined to go, her lawyer confirmed.

Though she didn’t go on that trip, the woman did receive other payments from Greenberg around that time. For one $500 charge in July 2017, she entered a police woman emoji in the memo line.

Sources say Gaetz privately boasted about traveling to Cuba around the time of the planned Keys trip. And ABC reported the woman took a selfie with Gaetz in Florida on the day the group was supposed to depart.

The woman’s lawyer said her decision to cooperate was difficult but she felt pressured when a Gaetz associate questioned her about the investigation last year. She believes the intent was to intimidate her into silence.

The House Ethics Committee probe into Gaetz was reopened after the DOJ declined to prosecute last year. The woman’s attorney said the lack of charges despite detailed witness accounts has caused some to lose faith. But the committee’s renewed investigation seems to have rattled Gaetz, sources say.

The inquiry relates to allegations of sex trafficking, prostitution, drug use, bribery and other misconduct. Key witnesses like Greenberg have been contacted. But Gaetz continues to deny any knowledge of or involvement with the woman in question.