
Biden Open To Meeting With Speaker Johnson On Foreign Aid

President Joe Biden said on Monday he would be open to meeting with House Speaker Mike Johnson to discuss a foreign aid package making its way through Congress.

The $95 billion bill passed the Senate last week but faces uncertainty in the House. The legislation would provide funding for priorities like Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and humanitarian aid.

When asked if he would meet with Speaker Johnson about the bill, Biden replied “I’d be happy to meet with him if he has anything to say.”

Johnson’s spokesman said the speaker welcomes Biden’s willingness to meet and discuss the best path forward on the legislation.

Previously, Johnson had criticized the Senate version for lacking border security measures, after an immigration deal was dropped. The speaker said the House would have to continue working on border policies absent those changes from the Senate.

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise suggested a Biden-Johnson meeting could lead to a compromise allowing some form of the bill to pass. But the White House appeared dismissive of that idea.

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre questioned what the two leaders would negotiate, arguing the House has already gotten what it requested. She accused the speaker of “negotiating with himself” and “killing bills on his own.”

The foreign aid package has become a point of contention as the Republican House and Democratic White House negotiate their priorities. While open to a meeting, Biden has rejected tying the legislation’s fate to border security demands.

Despite the rhetorical back-and-forth, both sides now appear willing to discuss potential compromises face-to-face. The outcome will depend on whether common ground can be found between clashing partisan positions.