Oregon Democrats Admit Raising Min. Wage was a Mistake, 40,000 Jobs Lost

It should be common sense by now that raising the minimum wage is a huge economic mistake that doesn’t make the playing field equal, but actually creates more poverty.

Many liberals are just dead set on ignoring the facts and raising it anyway, despite the mounds of data that exists proving it’s a really bad idea.

Well, the state of Oregon is coming clean as Democratic lawmakers are confessing that hiking up the minimum wage was a mistake.

From Townhall:

It’s only been three months since Oregon Gov. Kate Brown signed a minimum wage bill into law and Democrats already seem to be regrettingthe measure they pushed so hard to get passed.

But before the ink was even dry, Democrats, who control the state House, Senate and governor’s office, announced they wanted to change the bill that was rammed through in a five-week legislative session despite fierce Republican opposition.

“They just wanted to pass something,” said economist Eric Fruits, a Portland Republican. “They were really worried about the 15 Now people sending something to the ballot, and I think they got so snakebit they would have passed anything that was called a minimum wage increase.”

The end result was that three different wages were set for different areas of Oregon depending on population size. In rural Oregon, for example, the minimum wage would rise to $12.50, whereas in the greater Portland area it would increase to $14.75—all by 2022.

Last week, state analysts concluded in a prepared forecast the high wage will “result in approximately 40,000 fewer jobs in 2025 than would have been the case absent the legislation.”

