Obama Slams Trump Wall at Rutgers Commencement …As White House Raises Its Fence

President Obama used his commencement speech at Rutgers University to tear into Donald Trump’s trade agenda, his Muslim ban, and his planned wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

As he did at an address at Howard University earlier this spring, the president went straight after Trump’s most controversial policies after the usual bromides hailing graduates and name-dropping their favorite greasy spoons and watering holes.

‘The world is more interconnected than ever before. And it’s becoming more connected every day. Building walls won’t change that,’ Obama said.

‘To help ourselves, we’ve got to help others, not pull up the drawbridge and try to keep the world out,’ Obama said.

Obama said only by cooperating with other countries could the United States make sure other countries don’t cheat on trade deals or steal copyrights.

Trump regularly blasts trade deals, including the Trans Pacific Partnership negotiated by Obama, as a ripoff.


