
Tight Races as Baltimore City Council Incumbents Face Strong Challengers

Two incumbent members of the all-Democratic Baltimore City Council are in jeopardy of losing their seats as they confront formidable primary challengers in Tuesday’s election.

In District 12, Councilman Robert Stokes is clinging to a narrow 76-vote lead over Jermaine Jones with about half the district’s precincts reporting results.

The race is even tighter in District 11, where Marine veteran Zac Blanchard is nipping at the heels of Councilman Eric Costello. With three precincts still to be counted, Blanchard trails by just 100 votes in his bid to unseat the incumbent.

Meanwhile, two political newcomers – Bilal Ali and Paris Gray – are vying for the Democratic nod in District 8 after the current councilmember, Kristerfer Burnett, opted against running for re-election.

With several key precincts still outstanding, the tight margins leave multiple council seats in limbo until final results can be tabulated in the hotly-contested Baltimore primaries.

While a handful of incumbents appear to be sweating out nail-biter finishes, others have already secured renomination for additional terms based on the partial returns. But the fates of Stokes and Costello remain very much unresolved heading into the late stages of vote counting.