
Hope Remains for Emaciated Dog Wendell Despite Horrific Neglect

Baltimore City Animal Control uncovered a heartbreaking scene of severe animal cruelty after responding to a call about starving pets living in unsafe conditions. In the basement of the home, officers made a series of distressing discoveries – a deceased dog, an underweight cat, and Wendell, an extremely emaciated dog lying amidst a pile of trash and feces.

Wendell’s condition was nothing short of shocking. Merely skin and bones, he was too weak even to stand or move. Despite appearing near death, this resilient pup managed to muster the faintest tail wag when the BARCS veterinarian cupped his face, a glimmer of hope that he still clung to life.

Rushed to BARCS before being emergently transferred to a Franky Fund partner hospital, Wendell is now fighting for survival. Beyond his visible emaciation, he suffers from severe muscle depletion, multiple pressure sores, and his body is covered in dried feces, urine, and fleas. His skin is peeling off in sections.

Currently on heat support, IV fluids, antibiotics, and round-the-clock monitoring, Wendell’s prognosis remains critical, though cautious optimism remains that this brave pup will defy the odds. At just one year old, Wendell should weigh between 30-40 pounds, but now tips the scales at a harrowing 12 pounds.

After enduring unconscionable abuse and neglect, BARCS is determined to give Wendell the loving, nurturing life he deserves. However, his extraordinary medical needs require significant financial resources beyond what the shelter can provide alone.

The community is urged to donate to the Franky Fund, a lifeline for Baltimore’s most vulnerable animals facing medical emergencies. With 100% of donations directly supporting extraordinary care cases like Wendell’s, contributions offer a second chance to those who have known nothing but suffering.

Wendell made it to BARCS alive against all odds. Now, it is up to compassionate individuals to ensure this brave pup receives the care and love he so desperately needs to thrive. His fight continues, fueled by that faint tail wag and flicker of hope in his eyes.