
Governor Wes Moore Launches Centralized Resource Hub for Key Bridge Response

In a proactive move to streamline access to vital information and resources, Governor Wes Moore unveiled the “Francis Scott Key Bridge Response Website” on Thursday. This comprehensive online platform will serve as a centralized hub for Marylanders seeking federal, state, and local resources and programs related to the aftermath of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse.

The website will provide detailed information on relief programs tailored for impacted workers and businesses, regular traffic updates, and guidance on accessing in-person assistance through the Maryland Business Recovery Centers. By consolidating these crucial resources into a single online destination, the governor aims to simplify the navigation process for those affected by the bridge’s collapse.

“My administration wants to make it as simple as possible for Marylanders to navigate the resources available to them to mitigate impacts of the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge,” Governor Moore stated in a news release. “During the time of unimaginable tragedy, we have also seen our community rally around one another and lift each other up. I am committed to making sure those who are impacted know how to get the supports they need while we reopen the channel and get the Port fully operational.”

The Francis Scott Key Bridge Response Website will be regularly updated as additional programs and resources become available, ensuring that Marylanders have access to the most current and comprehensive information throughout the recovery process.

In the wake of this unprecedented incident, Governor Moore’s administration recognizes the importance of providing a centralized platform to facilitate access to crucial resources and support services. By launching this dedicated website, the state aims to alleviate the burden on affected individuals and businesses, enabling them to navigate the available resources more efficiently and effectively.

Marylanders can access the Francis Scott Key Bridge Response Website by visiting the provided link HERE