
Key Bridge Incident: Container Removal Begins from M/V Dali Vessel

Progress is being made at the Key Bridge incident site, as the Unified Command commenced removing containers from the M/V Dali vessel on Sunday. This crucial step allows salvors to gain access to the portion of the bridge that lies atop the ship’s bow.

The transfer of containers from the M/V Dali will continue over the coming days, weather permitting. Simultaneously, wreckage and debris removal efforts are ongoing, including portions of Span 19 that have been transported to Sparrows Point.

While marine traffic remains limited in the area, one vessel has transited through the temporary alternate channels in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 32 since their creation.

“The Unified Command is concurrently progressing on its main objectives to remove enough debris to open the channel to larger commercial traffic, refloat the M/V Dali and continue recovery efforts for missing loved ones,” stated Coast Guard Capt. David O’Connell, the federal on-scene coordinator. “Every day we are working to achieve these goals safely and efficiently.”

Removing the containers is critical to safely moving the M/V Dali vessel and eventually fully reopening the Fort McHenry Channel. This process allows for safe access to then remove the bridge sections lying across the ship’s bow, reducing weight and enabling the vessel’s refloating.

Authorities continue to enforce a 2,000-yard maritime Safety Zone and a 3-nautical mile, 1,500-foot Temporary Flight Restriction due to recent drone incursions. Mariners are advised to monitor VHF-FM channel 16 for updates from the Captain of the Port.

The Unified Command remains focused on clearing debris, refloating the vessel, and recovering any missing individuals, ensuring the complex operation progresses methodically.