
Baltimore council supports eviction proposal, no mention of juvenile reform Bill

Baltimore City Council Backs Eviction Protection and Vehicle Registration Bills

The Baltimore City Council voted overwhelmingly on Monday to approve resolutions supporting two bills currently moving through the Maryland legislature.

The council passed a resolution urging state lawmakers to approve a “just cause” eviction protection bill, which would require landlords to have valid reasons before evicting tenants. Councilwoman Odette Ramos said the goal is to prevent unnecessary evictions.

Another resolution calls on the legislature to pass stricter regulations on out-of-state vehicles driving in Maryland. Councilman Robert Stokes said such unregistered cars are a common sight across Baltimore.

Notably absent was an endorsement of Governor [X]’s controversial juvenile justice reform bill, which the House of Delegates is expected to vote on Tuesday. Council members said they simply couldn’t weigh in on every proposed bill.

Councilwoman Ramos and Councilman Yitzy Schleifer stated that the lack of explicit support should not signal opposition to the governor’s crime plan. They contend the council has limited ability to influence the state legislative process.

The council resolutions highlight issues important to Baltimore citizens while avoiding some partisan battles playing out in Annapolis. The bills now depend on momentum within the state legislature to potentially become law.