Amid concerns about redevelopment bill, new “compromise bill” expected to be introduced

Amid concerns over Bill 3-24, Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski says a new “compromise bill” will balance revitalization with community input. However, some see the initial bill as another example of Olszewski governing unilaterally like a “dictator.”

Critics argue Olszewski failed to properly consult the County Council and residents before introducing Bill 3-24. The new legislation is his attempt to save face after the backlash.

While Councilmembers Jones and Crandell called the compromise a step forward, they questioned if the bill is necessary given existing county development processes.

Crandell worries residents may have less input once an overlay district is created, as projects would become “by right” rather than coming before the Council.

“The public doesn’t want to be left out of these conversations, and they shouldn’t be,” said Crandell.

Olszewski stressed infrastructure and community input will still be considered. Bill 3-24 is expected to be withdrawn when the compromise legislation is introduced.

But some see this as too little too late after Olszewski already tried to force through zoning changes without proper consultation. While the new bill seeks compromise, allegations of the executive’s dictator-like approach linger.