
Del. Nino Mangione introduces Taxpayer Disclosure & Protection Act

Delegate Nino Mangione (R-District 42A) presented HB 484, also known as the Taxpayer Disclosure Protection Act, during a hearing of the Ways and Means Committee on Thursday, February 8.

This proposed legislation, if passed, would mandate legislative approval for any state tax or fee hike.

Mangione commenced his address on the bill by highlighting Maryland’s looming budget shortfalls. He emphasized that the state’s revenue primarily stems from its citizens and acknowledged ongoing discussions about potential tax and fee increases to address the deficits.

In advocating for HB 484, Mangione underscored the significance of accountability and transparency in governance. He argued that constituents have the right to expect such transparency from their elected representatives.

Expressing his stance on taxation, Mangione insisted that every vote on tax or fee increases should be subject to individual approval. He opposed automatic increases, citing the Gas Tax as an example, and advocated for each lawmaker’s stance to be publicly recorded.

Mangione asserted that HB 484 aims to illuminate the revenue process, enabling constituents to understand how their financial burdens to the state are determined. He reaffirmed his readiness to be held accountable for his votes on taxation matters.