Despite Recent Rockville High School Alleged Rape, MD Senate Prepares to Consider Dangerous Sanctuary State Bill


Despite Recent Rockville High School Alleged Rape, Maryland Senate Prepares to Consider Dangerous Sanctuary State Bill

The Maryland Senate is preparing to consider a highly controversial and dangerous bill (HB 1362) declaring Maryland a sanctuary state.  The bill passed the Maryland House of Delegates last week by a resounding vote.FAIR would love to tell your listeners why they should be concerned.


Background:  On March 16, a 14-year-old girl was raped in the bathroom of her Montgomery County high school. Her alleged assailants were two illegal aliens, 18-year-old Henry Sanchez and 17-year-old Jose Montano. Astonishingly, just four days later, the Maryland House of Delegates resoundingly passed a sanctuary state bill by a vote of 83-55. 


Ramifications:  If enacted into law, this bill would prevent Maryland law enforcement officers from honoring Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainer requests to hold illegal aliens for pickup and removal from the U.S. by ICE. In other words, should the Rockville illegal alien assailants be found guilty and jailed, they could be released back onto the streets of Rockville – not deported – when their sentence is served.


All eyes are on the Maryland Senate to stop this dangerous bill. Other pertinent facts:


  • Rockville is also set to codify its status as a sanctuary city.

  • Both Montgomery County and Prince George’s county have embraced sanctuary policies by regularly ignoring ICE detainer requests.

  • Between January 1, 2014 and September 30, 2014, sanctuary jurisdictions released 9,295 aliens that ICE had sought to remove; shockingly, 2,320 of the offenders were re-arrested within that 10 month period.


Sanctuary jurisdictions are not a local issue.  These laws affect the safety of all Americans, because they shield dangerous criminal aliens, and would-be terrorists, from detection and deportation by ICE.