These 23 Celebrities Say They’ll Leave The Country If Trump Is Elected

Amy Schumer recently told BBC Newsnightthat anyone who doesn’t like Hillary Clinton is uninformed. She went on to say that she would move to Spain if Trump was elected.

“It’s beyond my comprehension if Trump won. It’s just too crazy,” she said. 

Okay then.

But Schumer’s not alone in her anger. Indeed, she’s just the latest in a long string of celebrities who have taken the “brave” stand of saying they’ll leave the country if Trump wins. Here’s a list of 23 of them.

1. Jon Stewart

Who? Political satirist.

Where would he move? Another planet.

“I would consider getting in a rocket and going to another planet, because clearly this planet’s gone bonkers,” he told reporters

2. Chelsea Handler

Who? Comedian.


Where would she move? Spain.

“I did buy a house in another country just in case, so all of these people that threaten to leave the country and then don’t, I will leave the country,” she said on Live with Kelly and Michael.

(Weirdly, she called Trump charming in the same interview.)

3. Neve Campbell

Who? House of Cards actress.

Where would she move? Canada.

“His honesty is terrifying,” she told Huffington Post UK. 

4. Barry Diller

Who? Founder of IAC Interactive.

Where would he move? Unspecified.

“If Donald Trump doesn’t fall, I’ll either move out of the country or join the resistance,” he told Bloomberg

5. Lena Dunham

Who? Creator of Girls.