Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) said Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was “the worst Republican nominee since George Wallace.”
He was quickly corrected by Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK) who pointed out Wallace ran as a candidate to be nominee of the Democratic Party.
Ellison said, “I’m with Bernie on this. We’re focused on getting rid of Donald Trump. Making sure he’s not the president of the United States. I agree with Bernie I’m disappointed to read about it. I’m disappointed, at the same time, we have the worst Republican nominee since George Wallace. We have somebody who is so dangerous, in a number of ways, not the least of which is his attacks on the press. His pulling press credentials. The first Amendment says freedom of the press. He attacks the press regularly. So I’m kind of focused on the job at hand. But I am disappointed. But I’m not surprised. But, at the same time, you know, I have to keep trudging on, organize the people to turn out the maximum number of votes to defeat Donald Trump.”
Cole said, “First, I want to correct my friend. George Wallace was a proud Democrat and ran for the Democratic nomination … Let’s be clear on the record of whose party he belonged to.”