Intelligence Community Held 12 Diversity and Inclusion Seminars Last Year

The intelligence community held 12 seminars on diversity and inclusion last year, including “unconscious bias” training and a women’s summit that focused on “emotional intelligence.”

An employee resource group on “Islamic Culture” is also offered for employees of the National Security Agency to provide “cultural sensitivity.”

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence released its annual demographics report this month, which detailed the number of community-wide events the intelligence community held during fiscal year 2015.

One event, last September, was run by the former “Global Diversity and Talent Program Manager” for Google, Judith Williams.

Williams, who is now the “first global diversity chief” for Dropbox, talked about “Google’s journey in developing unconscious bias training” during the seminar.

“Dr. Williams was impressed by the similarities between the [intelligence community] and Google both being focused on diversity as a mission imperative,” the report said.