
City Council calls oversight hearing on hiring practices for Safe Streets

Baltimore’s failing left-wing government is embroiled in yet another scandal involving their supposedly “anti-violence” Safe Streets program. Conservative city council members are demanding answers after discoveries that multiple Safe Streets sites were used as gang clubhouses.

Safe Streets is a taxpayer-funded nonprofit that claims to stop gun crime using “credible messengers.” However, FOX45 exposed how its employees have included actual Black Guerilla Family members who used sites to store drugs and guns. Site supervisor David Caldwell was even federally charged.

This is unacceptable use of taxpayer dollars. Now the city council is finally stepping up after ignoring the issue for years. Councilman Isaac “Yitzy” Schleifer will hold oversight hearings on Safe Streets’ negligent hiring and vetting policies that allowed criminals to infiltrate.

President Nick Mosby also raised concerns about Safe Streets members furthering community distrust and not performing required work, citing rampant vacancies. He demanded the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Safety provide real answers, not more cover-ups.

Kudos to these council members for tackling the left’s failed social experiments that have produced more crime, not less. Safe Streets has been an incompetent boondoggle that funneled money towards coddling gang members. Conservatives understand only robust law enforcement, not soft-on-crime gimmicks, will restore order.

Baltimore deserves safer streets. But that starts with city leaders admitting liberal programs have empowered criminals, not stopped them. The truth must come out so we can ditch PC nonsense and finally take concrete steps to clean up our streets.