Davis Says Drugs Legitimately Found, Arrests Valid in Two Body-Camera Cases Where Drug Planting is Alleged

Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis said Wednesday there was “no doubt” that illegal drugs were legitimately recovered in two criminal cases that were dropped by prosecutors amid questions surrounding officer body-camera footage.

Defense attorneys in both cases have alleged that the footage showed officers planting drugs.

Davis, who called a news conference Wednesday to discuss the cases, said it is the job of defense attorneys to raise doubt. But he warned that accusing officers of fabricating evidence is “a heavy allegation to make” and “irresponsible” before investigations into the footage are complete — even if the footage looks “ugly” on first impression.

“It would be premature of me to stand in front of you and reach a conclusion as to exactly what happened,” he said. “But I do know that it’s not healthy to jump to a conclusion that police officers did something criminal.


READ MORE HERE: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/crime/bs-md-ci-davis-video-response-20170802-story.html