FAIR Applauds DOL’s Preliminary Move to Protect American Workers

FAIR Applauds DOL’s Preliminary Move to Protect American Workers 

(June 6, 2017, Washington, D.C.) – The following statement was released in response to the announcement by Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta to increase protections for U.S. workers while moving aggressively against those committing visa fraud. The statement should be attributed to Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) President Dan Stein.

“The Trump Administration came into office promising to ensure that the interests of U.S. workers and the American public were at the forefront when formulating immigration policy. Secretary Acosta is following through with this principle by vowing to crack down on those who manipulate the nonimmigrant visa system to bypass American workers with cheap foreign guest workers. 

“The Secretary clearly understands that many middle class Americans continue to suffer under the double-whammy of mass immigration combined with wage depression. At long last, the American worker has an advocate heading the Department of Labor, who will have the courage to take on the special interests that have undermined the labor protections in immigration law.

“To ensure these safeguards remain in effect, we urge Congress to incorporate these principles and more into legislation.”

Founded in 1979, FAIR is the country’s largest immigration reform group.  With more than 1.3 million members and supporters nationwide, FAIR fights for immigration policies that serve national interests, not special interests.  FAIR believes that immigration reform must enhance national security, improve the economy, protect jobs, preserve our environment, and establish a rule of law that is recognized and enforced.