Syria ‘Most Deadly Country’ for Christians and Other Minorities

Syria ‘Most Deadly Country’ for Christians and Other Minorities

ICC Note:Syria is the number one country, for the second year running, whose people are most at risk of genocide and mass killings. It is the number one, most deadly country for Christians to live in. The mass migrations to Europe are a direct result of this fact. While life is perilous for any within this country, it is especially deadly for minorities such as Christians.

06/10/2016 Syria (Christianity Today): For the second year running, Syria has topped the table of countries whose people are most at risk of genocide, mass political killings or violent repression.

The Middle East and Africa dominate the 2016 rankings of countries where it is most perilous to live. Alongside Syria, countries that have become signifantly more dangerous include Iraq, South Sudan, Libya, Turkey, Ukraine and Azerbaijan.

Further mass migration is as a result inevitable as people flee terrible persecutions, according to Minority Rights Group, which campaigns worldwide to help disadvantaged minorities and indigenous peoples.

The group’s online Peoples Under Threat interactive map shows those countries around the world most at risk of genocide, mass political killing or systematic violent repression.

Director Mark Lattimer said: “Peoples Under Threat demonstrates that although the prediction of mass killing has improved substantially since the 1990s, prevention mechanisms are still woefully inadequate. In particular in 2016, there is a global failure to address the needs of highly vulnerable internally displaced populations, making new refugee flight only a matter of time.”