New Yorkers Defy Lunatic Mayor DeBlasio’s Call to Boycott Chick-Fil-A

Last week, in the name of equality, New York Mayor Bill de Blasiopetitioned his city to boycott chain restaurant Chick-fil-A because at the corporate level they have supported organizations that promote a traditional definition of marriage.

But Chick-fil-A has come through a number of protests, boycotts, and threatened boycotts relatively unscathed in the past. The “Same Sex Kiss Day” planned for August of 2012 drew limited crowds, while the corresponding Customer Appreciation Day brought record-setting sales.

And the long lines seen outside the New York locations in the past few days suggest that the current call for a boycott is going unheeded:

The two locations in midtown, according to FOX News Insider, often boast lines that stretch around the block. Their average annual sales outstrip McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s and Subway – leading to rumors that another 12 locations are set to open throughout the city.

And the customers are noticing how busy they are as well: