Maher Slams Religion: Tax Sunday School So Children ‘Don’t Get Stupid’

On Friday’s Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, host Maher ended the show with a commentary against religion as he demanded that churches in the U.S. be taxed. The HBO comedian compared taxing religion to taxing destructive habits like smoking by suggesting a tax on Sunday school so children “don’t get stupid.”

Conveniently ignoring that the Nazis and communists who mass murdered tens of millions were atheists, Maher also linked religion to genocide and other destructive behavior:

If we levy taxes — sin taxes, they call them — on things that are bad to get people to stop doing them, why in heaven’s name don’t we tax religion? A sexist, homophobic, magic act that’s been used to justify everything from genital mutilation to genocide. You want to raise the tax on tobacco so kids don’t get cancer? Okay, but let’s put one on Sunday school so they don’t get stupid.