Iowa State U Students Tell White Peers They Should Go To Doctor To ‘Check Their White Privilege’

A group of students at Iowa State University is advising its white peers to “head to the doctor” in order to be treated for their white privilege.

“It is becoming increasingly clear that there is a sickness spreading at Iowa State. So the next time you use your mandatory health insurance and head to the doctor, tell him or her if you are experiencing these little-known symptoms,” a group known as Latinos United for a Change wrote in a letter to the editor:

“While there is currently no way to cure white privilege, there are definitely ways to deal with the symptoms.” Tweet This

· “You can get your hair cut wherever you want.”

· “You can walk into the supermarket and find your favorite foods.”

· “You can see yourself positively portrayed in the media.”

· “You can speak your native tongue without getting looks or comments from other people.”